Elevate Productivity, Increase Revenue Efficiencies & Drive Sales Conversions

Workforce Management

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The goals of your contact center roll up to the goals of your entire organization. A robust performance management system designed to improve agent efficiency and productivity can have a significant ripple effect that extends well beyond the contact center, resulting in improvements in revenue growth, sales conversions, net promoter scores and overall customer satisfaction. In this eBook you will learn how Aspect Performance Management helped these customers achieve:

  • A 41-point increase in Net Promoter Score
  • 25 second reduction in wrap and hold times
  • 8% revenue increase
  • 12% increase in sales conversions equaling $400k in annual savings

How Does It Work?

The responsive design is simple to understand and supports all popular browsers without browser plugins for full functionality. Performace Management allows you to:

Extend views with metrics drawn from enterprise systems that manage customers & business process such as CRM and ERP.

Drill down into aggregated data to view performance management trends over time and gain valuable insights.

Use configurable dashboards and intuitive, interactive reports to understand the root cause for performance pitfalls.

ExOutline operational goals and targets for employees at any level. View trending, multi-nested reports by time, team, group, and location.

Gamification functions: awards, leaderboards, team challenges to motivate agents to ever greater performance

Initiate coaching manually or without any supervisor intervention by establishing thresholds for reasonable performance, then analyze the coaching process and level of success with coaching analytics.

The Call Design Advantage

When you work with Call Design you are getting a team of professionals that are here to help you for the long haul. Whether you want us to sit down with your team for complete training and consultation sessions or you're simply looking for us to tweak the product to fit your needs - we've got you covered. This is exemplified in our core promises of consultation and integration.

This is exemplified in our core promises of consultation and integration.


Our Call Design team can help you integrate Performance Management wherever you see fit. This means all of your company's pre-existing data can be pulled in and compiled into dashboard as a part of our design process. In fact, we encourage people to pull in as much data from as many different systems as possible. The more information you use to inform this system, the more holistic view you'll have of your company.


Our consultation process enables your team to set and achieve important organizational goals. The numbers are important, but the actions are critical.

When you work with Call Design, we will hone in on those action points by telling you what can be done about the numbers. Say your system is telling you that your company’s productivity levels are falling below the acceptable line, we can then put a plan in place to address this issue, build metrics to support it and track improvements appropriately.

Let us know how we can help your organization